• Speech Language Therapy

    Our Speech Language Therapists are experts in encouraging early communication and feeding skills. We focus on connection and use play as the foundation for all our work. We also specialise in assessment and provision of communication supports such as key word signing and picture based tools to help all children find their ‘voice’ in all it’s forms.

  • Early Intervention Teaching

    Our Early Intervention Teacher works with every child to ensure they are able to access a range of learning experiences that are individually tailored to their needs. They also provide a crucial link between the work at our centre and the child’s other education settings, including transitions to school.

  • Occupational Therapy

    Our Occupational Therapist provides support for babies, children and their whānau to achieve independence and confidence in the things they want and need to do. Through task analysis and assessment of motor, cognitive, sensory, social, emotional skills we will collaborate with you on strategies to support your child across all areas including physical movement, play and exploration, making friends and daily life skills. Therapy is delivered through engaging activities designed to help your child reach their potential in whatever they put their minds to.



A playgroup for babies with health related vulnerabilities, supporting babies and their caregivers through the first two years, run by our Occupational Therapist and Speech Language Therapist

A safe, relaxed and supportive environment to share techniques of handling, communication and play that nurture babies learning and development. An opportunity to meet other whānau with similar experiences.

Each baby’s specific needs and concerns are discussed and Neurobehavioural or Developmental Assessments are available as needed.

Fortnightly sessions on Thursdays 9-11am. Groups for 0-12 months and 12-24 months. These sessions are free.

Developmental Playgroups

Weekly developmental groups for children aged 2 and up who need support with their development. The group is run by two of our specialist team members and each child has an Individual Education Plan created with their whānau highlighting goals in focus areas of development. With a maximum of 6 children at a time, the group is focussed on play, fun and connection.

Assessment and therapy is interweaved throughout the morning or afternoon session, with a chance to try out strategies to support the child’s development alongside a therapist.

These groups are also a chance to meet other whānau and gain support, friendship and ideas from one another.

Our team is able connect with other services a child or whānau may be accessing so that the whole team around the child are all singing from the same page.

Groups run weekly on Wednesday 8.30-12.30 and Friday 8.30-12.30 or 12.30-4.30. Each session costs $35 per child.

School Transition Group

Every Wednesday afternoon a group of our tamariki aged 4 and up come together to learn the skills that are required for a successful school transition.

Whānau have a chance to prepare themselves and their child for this big step.

The curriculum and therapy have a particular focus on those areas that are needed to be safe, happy and able to learn at school.

Our team are able to coordinate with other services that are involved in this process to make sure whānau are informed, confident and able to advocate for themselves.

Groups run weekly on Wednesday 12.30-4.30 and cost $35 per child.

Movement And Communication

A group focussing on tamariki 2 years old and up who have support needs in the areas of both movement and communication. Children in this group may not yet be sitting, crawling, standing or walking.

Our Occupational Therapist, Speech Language Therapist and Early Intervention Teacher work closely with other specialist services to ensure whānau have access to comprehensive and cohesive supports.

Whānau benefit from building relationships with other whānau who have similar experiences, gaining knowledge and support from one another.

Our therapy approach is focussed on a fun-first approach. It is child-led and play-based, with a strong focus on ensuring we do therapy WITH the child, not to them.

Groups run weekly on Thursday 11.00am-2.00pm and cost $35 per child.

“There is such hands on support for my son in a loving and respectful environment. The Pudney Hub staff couldn’t do better in our eyes.”

“We have seen the greatest change within our daughter and established a great community amongst parents and kids..”