Our Philosophy

Maximising potential through a strengths based, family centred, culturally responsive, community oriented and holistic approach to development.

Tukua kia tū takitahi ngā whētu o te rangi

Let each star in the sky shine it’s own light

At the core of our beliefs and values is that each child’s strengths and abilities should be celebrated.  We believe our students are capable of achieving whatever their goals may be.  We focus on ensuring we are responding to their strengths , helping others see and respond to these also and building on them.  We plan and adapt our interactions and curriculum around each child’s unique profile of interests, abilities and culture as well as ensuring we are adhering to the latest evidence and research.  Our focus is on ensuring that every child is not only able to join in, but is able to shine and enjoy everyday places and activities in their own way with friends and whānau.

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi

With your food basket, and my food basket, the people will thrive

At the Hawke’s Bay Early Intervention Trust, we believe that whānau and the child bring unique knowledge and expertise to their partnership with our service.  We aim to follow their lead in how we support them and what areas of learning and development we support them with.  By joining our ‘food baskets’ together with openness and honesty, we will keep the child at the centre of what we do.  This creates a sense of a safe space for children, and their whānau to truly express themselves and get the support they want.  We maintain a practical, relevant and real-life focus in our aspirations and mahi.  By bringing families together they can also share with each other, build whanaungatanga, and gain social support and strength from others they identify with.  The promotion of self belief, self esteem and self advocacy for the child and their whānau are integral to the long term outcomes of our children.

Whiria te tangata

Weave the people together

The Hawke’s Bay Early Intervention Trust has a focus on smoothing the pathways for families when engaging with agencies, community organisations and all those involved in supporting our tamariki.  We acknowledge that it can be confusing and difficult for families to navigate services and we aim to bring together the strands of support that whānau and tamariki need at different points in their developmental journey through to transitioning into school.  We will work together with services such as early learning centres, local schools and hospital based services to provide cohesive and accessible support.  We also want to promote community understanding of the lifelong benefits of early intervention and gain local and national support for early identification of tamariki requiring support and broadening the support choices for whānau.